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Royal visits to TU/e

On 19 September 1957 the Dutch royal couple, H.M. Queen Juliana and H.R.H. Prince Bernhard, visited Eindhoven for the official opening of Eindhoven University of Technology. By signing the charter of foundation the queen officially confirmed the establishment of the new university a year earlier. During the following decades members of the royal house visited TU/e regularly. For example to mark foundation days or the opening of new buildings. Also when the city of Eindhoven as a whole was the destination of royal visitors, TU/e contributed to giving them a worthy reception. This could be in the form of presenting important research results or remarkable innovations. These visits were laid down in an extensive photographic record. This selection shows part of all those images. Most of them are on display also in an exhibition in the university library in spring and summer of 2022.
12 images found

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